How much does weed cost in the UK?

UPDATE:20/12/2021- We still don’t have enough data so please keep sharing and lets find out together who’s getting ripped and who’s got the plug – If you want to see interactive results now head over to see UK prices for weed

Cali strains are flooding the UK in 2020 cannabis prices appear to be becoming ever more expensive. We want to ask you guys to fill in this quick survey so we can finally get one thing straight. How much does weed cost in the UK? Lets put a stop to these silly prices and know what to expect for our buck.

We’re hearing of people paying £100 for 3.5g of ‘Cali’ that comes in a tin you can buy on ebay shown below, which is absolutely absurd and needs stopping if you care at all about the UK Cannabis Community:

Fake Cali Tins

Obviously price will always depend on strain (haze, dog or ami) and if you guys want to know which strains everyone’s smoking we’ll do another post. However, this post is specifically so we can share how much you should be paying for a 3.5g of UK bud on average and put a stop to the bs marketing pushing the prices higher. Do the UK Cannabis Community a solid one and answer the survey that will take less than 1 min and you remain completely anonymous. The whole point of this is to put a stop to these ridiculous prices and push those of you who are to find a new plug.

Based on other research we found it stated London is the most expensive city for weed smokers, just ahead of Glasgow and Birmingham but lets see for ourselves shall we…

We guarantee that you will remain anonymous and you only need to fill in the first 2 questions the rest are optional but the more you answer the more accurate we can be with our results.



Fire Flavours

Author Fire Flavours

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